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Stratford Rotary Club Grants Pierre Epoh Moudio £500 For Volunteering Workshop

The Rotary Club in Stratford has recently granted resident steering group member, Pierre Epoh Moudio, with £500 to develop and run a workshop that improves access to services.

The main objective of Rotary is service — in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world. This connects well with the work that Pierre has committed his life to; equipping others with the skills they need to better their lives, which he does through his ESOL for Parents Programme.

The grant allows for Pierre to widen his vision, providing holistic support to those in need. The money will be used to run a workshop on developing skills through volunteering. It is aimed at those residents who are unemployed and those who are employed but desire to change careers. 

Why its important?

The workshop will teach participants how to acquire more skills and experience, especially in a very competitive market where work experience is crucial when looking for a job. It will also provide guidance on how to land your ideal job.

For ESOL learners, particularly, volunteering would provide work experience, help them to make new friends and also practise English. It is clear that a key barrier to participants getting a job is their lack of experience and the workshop would provide some tips on how to overcome those difficulties. 

Volunteering helped me to get my first job in London, after several rejections and at times no response at all from companies I sent my CV to.

Giving back

Pierre kindly donated £50 to Thames Ward Community Project, he says, for believing in his project and giving him the appropriate support to enable the project to thrive.

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