We believe that long-term sustainable change is only possible when it is defined and led by local people, who initiate their own agenda and build it from within the community.
It has made our community stronger, because it is helping making it a place where it's clear every person matters and can make a difference to the place we share.
Anna Pollard 
It has certainly instilled confidence in many local residents to pursue their own business ideas and their own issues with council/developer
Venilia Amorim 
It has helped the community understand that they are and can be a part of change they want to see in the local community. We can be seen, heard and valued in our area which is so important for us as local residents.
Josiah Oyekunle 
Thames Life is doing a really good job on the health front. Resident empowerment, education, improving health and allowing people to see change in their everyday life is important.
Lai Ogunsola 
YCAG gave us a voice to speak about issues that affect us and act upon them to make our community better. It forces adults to see us as a part of the community and take us seriously, since we are not just complaining, but actually taking action.
Basmala El-Kadry, Year 10 YCAG member