Resident Charter Organising Meeting – 20th June 2019 7-9pm @ Sue Bramley Centre, Bastable Avenue, IG11 0LH

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Resident Charter Organising Meeting – 20th June 2019 7-9pm @ Sue Bramley Centre, Bastable Avenue, IG11 0LH

A resident charter has been used by communities elsewhere in London, including the Stratford Olympic Park, to list things residents have prioritised that will benefit their area. 

Reason to meet: to make sure the ‘growth’ and housing development across the whole Ward benefits local people.  To do this we will continue to do resident-led events, champion the issues residents say they are most concerned about and present this as a charter of ‘asks’ to those in charge of planning and development


A) Plan resident-led engagement

B) Review priorities and concerns

C) Learn together and support one another

This is a continuation of a series of events and workshops supported by local resident groups with facilitation by Architecture sans Frontière

All welcome, venue fully accessible, with refreshments provided

Event organised by Matt Scott (Thames Ward Community Project) Contact:

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