Our History

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Our History

June 2014

Local MP Dame Margaret Hodge together with Andy Roberts, Head of Riverside School and supported by experienced community development professional Tricia Zipfel began to explore the possibility of securing funding for a community project to ensure a more balanced, resident-led approach to the current wave of development about to sweep into the area.

Nov 09, 2017

June 2016

Riverside School secured funding for a 6-month project, funded by ‘Power to Change’ to do outreach and develop support for a longer-term three-year programme of work. Thames Ward was identified as a ‘cold spot’ that had traditionally lacked the forms of community infrastructure other areas can access. The work highlighted five themes.

At the end of the ‘Power to Change’ project over 375 residents indicated a willingness to be involved with the project. A recommendation was made to seek long-term funding.  This process took over a year and was finally successful in July 2017

Nov 09, 2017

July 2017

The Big Lottery Fund (now National Lottery Community Fund) awards £311,558 to support the creation of the ‘Thames Ward Community Project’ to help build community infrastructure and ensure that both the old and new communities of the area come together to share the benefit of the new opportunities associated with being home to the largest housing development in London.

Nov 09, 2017

October 2017

Two workers were recruited, both based at the school, Matt (Director of Community Engagement), line managed by the Head Teacher and Jamie (Community Organiser). The project was tasked with five core outcomes: Helping the community become stronger and more cohesive; become healthier; become more confident and skilled; the environment cleaner and more attractive; developing a resident-led Community Development Trust.

Nov 09, 2017

July 2018

The TWCP resident steering group outline their vision for the local area and commit to working towards the creation of a Community Development Trust, led by local people. The steering group members take on key leadership roles on thematic Citizen Action Groups as well as facilitate large public events including biannual Resident Growth Summits.

Nov 09, 2017

October 2019

Following successful applications for funding throughout the year to London City Airport, Near Neighbours, BRL and Laureus Foundation, TWCP secures £90,000 for two part time worker posts (Community Organiser and Communications Manager) from Trust for London, and shortly afterwards is able to employ two local residents, Amina and Michael, to double our staff team.

Nov 09, 2017

June 2020

TWCP gets confirmation of its successful application for charitable status as a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) in preparation for the next phase of our development as a resident-led Community Development Trust. The object of the CIO is the promotion of urban regeneration across Thames Ward which is to be done through the relief of poverty, advancement of education and training, provision of business advice and support into employment, provision of recreational facilities and protection of conservation of the environment, among other activities.

Nov 09, 2017

April 2021

TWCP is successful in applying for 3-year continuation funding from the Lottery Reaching Communities fund! This investment will support us to continue, consolidate and secure our project in the long term.

We envisage establishing a community hub that will provide a place for residents in Thames Ward to socialise, engage with local projects and access services. We also hope to have a lead role in place shaping and developing social businesses, an opportunity that will develop local skills and connections.

Nov 09, 2017

October 2022

TWCP relaunches as Thames Life Community Development Trust.

Nov 09, 2017

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