Local DJ/Producer, Thames View resident and TWCP Co-Chair Josiah Oyekunle receives £2,000 funding from Barking and Dagenham renew

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Local DJ/Producer, Thames View resident and TWCP Co-Chair Josiah Oyekunle receives £2,000 funding from Barking and Dagenham renew

Josiah has become the latest TWCP Steering Group member to successfully present one of his ideas to local funding body Barking and Dagenham Renew.

Throughout the Covid-19 lockdown Josiah has been running a weekly music show every Friday at 5pm on the TWCP Instagram, Facebook and Zoom channels.

Thanks to the funding he has received he is now able to continue to run the show even while the lockdown eases and be paid for the time he spends every week helping residents of Thames Ward and wider Barking and Dagenham lift their spirits up and feel positive despite difficult circumstances.

He will also be able to buy some much needed equipment to help him expand the Vibes & Bounce show to become even more interactive with the opportunity for Riverside School students (who have been attending Josiah’s DJ workshops prior to the pandemic) to appear as Guest DJs!

Well done Josiah and BIG THANKS once again to Barking and Dagenham Renew for empowering residents to solve #localproblems with #local solutions

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